About Aux Account
About Your Auxiliary Services ID and Password
USC Auxiliary Services ID and password is associated with your USC Auxiliary Services accounts only. You use this ID and password when you logon to the systems on AUXILIARIES domain and also Auxiliary Services related Applications.
Password Requirements
Once your Auxiliary account is activated, you are required to logon with the default password and immediately change your password. The password requirement is of 8 characters long and is required to have at least two of the following criteria: upper case, lower case, numerical, and special character. The password cannot contain any part of your name nor can it be similar to your previous password. Once you have changed your password, it will expire in three months and are required to change it again.
Systems That Rely on Auxiliary Services Password
The USC Auxiliary Services ID and password should be used with the following systems. When you change your USC AS password, the change will apply to the systems below.
- Windows
- Cbord
- StarRez
- Delphi
- SharePoint
- TM1
- T2
If you face any problems with your Auxiliary account, please feel free to contact Auxiliary IT Service Desk at (213) 821-1911 or email us at auxsupport@usc.edu.
Posted in: General